Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Assessment 2.0 revisited

My previous post about Assessment 2.0 generated some feedback, which encouraged me to develop the idea a little further. So I've worked-up a short paper on how Web 2.0 can be used for assessment.

It highlights some of the challenges facing education with the advent of this open, democratic and interactive web. There is a particular debate to be had about how VLEs measure up to Web 2.0 - and which one we should use within education. There is a similar debate to be had about assessment. It's been argued that the choice of online assessment system is moot since students were increasingly using the assessment system that came as part of the school/college/university VLE. But does Web 2.0 make the VLE obsolete?


Joe Wilson said...

Before VLEs were invented I thought staff would just make use of webpages, free mail services and all the freespace that existed on the internet to share files and interact with their students - This was 1995/6 I guess and I pushed this across sector to 2003. But it didn't happen ;-(

The only constant is learning - teaching and assessment will change and adapt to use these new tools . Institution's at moment like VLEs and the staff in them and learners are using them. My guess is we will get new forms of VLE with lots of web2 tools built in and I hope canddidates will look to other ways of recording their achievements - different kinds of electronic portfolios using many of the tools you mention here . Outside of the exam part of our system we are so flexible that all of this can be done right now. You can turn up at a College/Uni with a any kind of portfolio and you will get Accreditation of Prior Learning and I guess some good employers do this too. Good paper Bobby food for thought .

David Noble said...

Great to see a lot of thought going into 'Assessment 2.0'. It is an area that I'm going to be working on extensively over at least the first half of next year. If you think that there may be opporunities for some collaboration then give me a shout. I'll have a good read and a think about your paper over the holidays. Cheers.